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Olivares Alojamiento Rural is situated in a small village of barely 200 inhabitants at the centre of the Natural Park in Cabo de Gata-Nijar, called Los Albaricoques, called also “Albaricoques of cinema”.


Its streets and the epoch, now restored and updated, have been witnesses to the most famous spaguetti-western. Clint Eastwood, Sergio Leone and many others have fallen in love with this place, where they filmed such Western classics as and many others have fallen in love with this place, where they filmed such Western classics as "For a Few Dollars More", "A Fistful of Dollars", and "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"...

cultura western3

In the town there are two tapas bars where you can stop and enjoy typical local food while watching a projection of a classic Western film.

Federico García Lorca: Blood Weddingcultura lorca

Just 3 kilometres from our installations you can find one of the most important enclaves of the entire Natural Park as well as all of Andalusia: El Cortijo del Fraile (The Friar's Farmhouse).

This place was the inspiration for Federico Garcia Lorca to write the unforgettable romantic tragedy, “Blood Wedding”, one of the greatest works of Spanish literature.

Artisan crafts

And if we would rather take in some fresh air and walk around amidst artisan crafts, barely 10 km away, almost lost in the Sierra, in the municipality you can find La Villa de Nijar, a small little village with strong artisan traditions where you can find typical shops that sell ceramic works, jarapas, grass fabrics, etc. You can walk through the old town where time seems to have stood still, or you can visit the Water Museum and buy artisan crafts at El Taller de Sophie (Sophie's Workshop) on 3 Andalusia Street, phone +34 639 077 761.