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General Terms and Conditions

Olivares Alojamiento Rural reserves the right to modify the present General Terms and Conditions for the purposes of adapting them to existing applicable legislation at any time. Usage on the part of the user of this website presupposes express consent to the General Terms and Conditions in the version published on the present website at the moment in which the user has accessed the same.

1. Identifying data

The title holder of this website is Miguel Herrada Jimenez, with national identity number 27226065E and address at Manzanares Street, 3, San Isidro, 04117 Nijar (Spain). Olivares Alojamiento Rural. RTA No.: (A/AL/00211) – Classification (BUILDING/COMPLEX) - Category (1 KEY) - Mode - (RURAL).

2. Intellectual property of the website

All rights to intellectual property of the contents of this website, its graphic design, images and source code are the exclusive property of Olivares Alojamiento Rural, which gives them the exclusive right to the rights of usage of the same. Any and all reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation, complete or in part, without the express authorisation of Olivares Alojamiento Rural is prohibited.

3. Web content and links

Olivares Rural Accommodations does not take responsibility for misuse carried out of the contents of our website; its use is the exclusive responsibility of the person accessing or using them. We also deny responsibility for the information contained in the websites of third parties to which may be accessed through links or search functions on

4. Indications regarding technical features

Olivares Alojamiento Rural does not assume any responsibility over what may come about as a result of technical problems or errors in the computing equipment, which may come about whilst one is connected to the internet. We are also exonerated of all responsibility for possible damages or losses that the user may incur as a consequence of errors, failures or omission of information that we facilitate whenever they come from other sources.

5. Updating and modification of the website

Olivares Alojamiento Rural reserves the right to update, modify and remove information contained in this website at any time, without prior notice or assumption of responsibility for any such changes.

6. Treatment of User Data

In compliance with what is established in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, Olivares Alojamiento Rural informs its clients regarding the personal information that they provide, which will be included in an automated data sheet, created and maintained at the responsibility of Olivares Alojamiento Rural. The purpose of said data sheet is for sending commercial offers in the future regarding products and services that may be of interest to our clients. Olivares Alojamiento Rural guarantees the security and confidential nature of the data provided. In this way, it makes a commitment to its obligation to secrecy regarding the data of a personal nature and its duty to save them and adopt the means necessary to avoid their alteration, loss, and unauthorised use or treatment. These data will not be used for commercial purposes nor be given to third parties. The clients of Olivares Alojamiento Rural may at any time exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection, communicating as much in writing to our e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

7. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

In general, relations with our clients that are derived from the provision of services contained in our website are subject to Spanish law and jurisdiction. Users of our website are aware of everything that has been set forth, and voluntarily accept as much. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, call us or send us an e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..